Giants love entertainment, and VOGLAR therefore loves the “Weischlitz Grand Prix” with a real caterpillar race. At that time, his friend Niki, a real giant in “race”, made him familiar with it. But that was more than a light year ago: “You don’t need much, just a real racing team full of fast caterpillars. The race is already on, straight at the giant mushroom track with lettuce leaves, pine needles, nuts and similar delicious snacks.” Not to forget a sophisticated racing strategy and quick fingers on your smartphone. In its coat pocket, VOGLAR always carries everything – a small mini universe – with him. In Weischlitz, he spurts out of the train, grabs his pocket and throws the whole content into the open. His hungriest caterpillar – Hamil-Toni Lewis (the name is longer than its body) – is immediately at the starting line, ready to eat his way through rich and juicy green. It is in a hurry to become a beautiful butterfly. Maybe it is faster today than yesterday, and it works? Yesterday, when was that again exactly?
Weischlitz: Caterpillar Formula-1
Yesterday wasn’t long ago, it’s just behind us and is almost still there. A giant has no distinct sense of time, past and future are the same to him. The present, however, is simply amazing. That’s why he enjoys the moment and often wonders why time is so important for people and why 20 minutes of waiting time seem like an entire universe for them? He always feels so amused, especially when it’s caterpillar formula 1.